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Biomedical engineering in cardiovascular research

Dr. Nicolas Foin is a postgraduate research fellow in the Cardiology group. His research is directed at the application of biomedical engineering in the field of cardiovascular research.

Nowadays, treatment of coronary narrowing is often performed by angioplasty, ie devices are advanced through the vasculature to treat the patient heart. Such procedures are used to treat patient with chest pain and save live of patient with acute heart problems. Although these are effective in most situations, in more complex procedures, devices may not perform as well as expected which may cause complications. We are trying to better understand device behavior and potential risk of complication using intravascular in-vivo imaging and custom models. This will help clinicians anticipating device behavior during intervention and selecting an optimal treatment strategy for patients.

biomedical engineering engineering biomedical engineering cardiovascular Nicolas Foin

‘ As an engineer, my aim is to develop models that will help clinicians performing better cardiac interventions. ’.

Dr Nicolas Foin
